On the 18th of August 2022 the new Residential Zone standards were notified by way of a plan change - PC78: Intensification. The new planning standards allow for much higher and dense development.
The information page for all documents about the plan change can be found through this link: https://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/plans-projects-policies-reports-bylaws/our-plans-strategies/unitary-plan/auckland-unitary-plan-modifications/Pages/details.aspx?UnitaryPlanId=140
A direct link to the Plan Change Maps can be found through this link: https://aucklandcouncil.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=df2ce24d0c3046598604c21c40fdd45c
In order to use the new planning standards, the property must meet all of the new MDRS standards being building height, height in relation to boundary, yard, building coverage, landscaped area, outdoor living space, outlook space and windows to the street AND to not have a qualifying matter identified on the site. Qualifying matters appear when searching a property on the PC-78 maps and examples are: viewshaft, historic overlay, flooding, service capacity constraints etc.
Any client wanting to develop with three or less houses can immediately use new rules if meeting the criteria above, this applies to renovations also. The current rules still apply for 4 or more dwellings but some developments will be better off under the existing standards rather than the new standards.
Barry Satchel Consultants can provide information and assessment on your proposed development under the new planning standards.
Contact us today to set up your free consultation.
Ph: 09 623 4573
Email: admin@bscl.co.nz